The City of Epernay has initiated a vast project to refurbish the Château Perrier. In 2020, it will become the Wine of Champagne and Regional Archeology Museum.
The project is leaded by Frenak et Jullien architects.
Clarity has carried out design studies in acoustics to answer multiple challenges:
- Reverberation treatment of the exhibition rooms (3D modeling of large volumes under Catt Acoustics)
- Noise impact assessment due to museum’s noisy activities (receptions, workshops, technical equipment)
- Noise control in the exhibition spaces (Sizing silencers given the constraints of the rehabilitation)
- Break-in noise with paved street (Sound insulation calculations of facades)
- Sound insulation between noisy rooms (technical rooms, noisy workshops) and exhibition spaces (airborne calculations of new and renovated floors)
More information : project